Offers and Discount

  1. Any advertised offer can only be used once per customer/ household.
  2. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
  3. Offer only applies to transactions agreed and paid for, or part paid during promotional period. With agreed completion date.
  4. Offer may be revoked at any time owners’ discretion.
  5. For queries please email Michael at
  6. Quote offer/promotion at time of purchase to claim.
  7. Offers do not apply to purchases already proceeded.


We are currently offering free insurance for diamond Jewellery that you are purchasing from us. It is a very speedy process at the point of purchase and subject to the usual t’s and c’s. summarised below.

We use March Guard Jewellery Insurance. Designed to provide instant cover for your Jewellery against loss, theft or accidental damage anywhere in the UK including up to 30 consecutive days in Europe.

What is insured?

Cover for any item of Jewellery newly purchased up to the value of £5000 for a single item. All items must not exceed £10000.

  • Repair or replacement up to the replacement value stated on the certificate
  • Items covered for accidental damage, theft and loss

What is not included?

  • Any person not resident in the UK
  • Any insured item stolen from unattended baggage or clothing
  • Any item stolen from an unattended vehicle
  • Any damage due to wear and tear, gradual deterioration, unauthorised renovation or alteration.

Are there any restrictions on cover?

  • Replacement or repair only up to the replacement value stated by the issuing jeweller.
  • No cash settlement

What are my obligations?

  • Check your certificate wording to make sure you have the cover you need and expect.
  • Take all steps to prevent loss or damage and maintain the item in good condition.
  • Report any loss or theft to the local police as soon as possible.
  • This is not an automatically renewable insurance. It is your responsibility to ensure you have alternative insurance arranged on expiry of this cover.

When does the cover start and end?

Cover starts from the day your item of Jewellery is purchased or collected from your jeweller. Cover ends after 12 months from this date.

For any queries you may have please email Michael at